Click here to return to the VHDL Reference Guide. (last edit: 24. september 2012)


A port represents a pin or a related group of pins on a hardware component, and is defined in an entity. Technically, a port is a signal.


  port (PortName, ... : [Mode] DataType [:= Expression];

  Mode = {either} in out inout buffer linkage


entity-is-generic(-);--begin-end component-generic(-);--end block-generic map(-);--port map-begin-end


In ports can only be read, out ports can only be assigned. Inout ports are bidirectional. Buffer ports are outputs. The Expression gives the default value for the port, and must be static. An input port with no default value must appear in the corresponding port map.

Things to remember

You cannot read the value of an out port within an architecture. A buffer port cannot be connected to an in or out port of the design entity containing the instantiation; it can be connected to a buffer of that design entity.


Do not put ports in test bench entities. Outputs can be out ports or buffer ports. Buffer must be used when the value of the port is to be read inside the architecture, and out must be used when there is more than one driver for the signal. Linkage ports cannot be read or assigned, so are not typically used.


  port (Clock, Reset: in Std_logic;
        Q: buffer Std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
        Status: out Std_logic_vector);

See Also

Entity, Component, Port Map, Block, Generic