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VHDL Math Tricks


VHDL is a strongly typed language. Success in VHDL depends on understanding the types and overloaded operators provided by the standard and numeric packages.

These pages gives a short tutorial on:

Common VHDL Types

TYPE Value Origin
std_ulogic 'U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', '-' std_logic_1164
std_ulogic_vector array of std_ulogic std_logic_1164
std_logic resolved std_ulogic std_logic_1164
std_logic_vector array of std_logic std_logic_1164
unsigned array of std_logic numeric_std, std_logic_arith
signed array of std_logic numeric_std, std_logic_arith
boolean true, false standard
character 191 / 256 characters standard
string array of character standard
integer -(2^31 -1) to (2^31 - 1) standard
real -1.0E38 to 1.0E38 standard
time 1 fs to 1 hr standard

Packages for Numeric Operations

  • numeric_std -- IEEE standard
    • Defines types signed, unsigned
    • Defines arithmetic, comparison, and logic operators for these types
  • std_logic_arith -- Synopsys, a defacto industry standard
    • Defines types signed, unsigned
    • Defines arithmetic, and comparison operators for these types
  • std_logic_unsigned -- Synopsys, a defacto industry standard
    • Defines arithmetic and comparison operators for std_logic_vector
Use numeric_std for new designs
Ok to use std_logic_unsigned with numeric_std

Using IEEE Numeric_Std

  library ieee;
    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
    use ieee.numeric_std.all;

Using Synopsys Std_Logic_Arith

  library ieee;
    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
    use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
    use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
Use numeric_std or std_logic_arith, but never both.
Recommendation, if you use Synopsys Packages:
Use std_logic_arith for numeric operations
Use std_logic_unsigned only for counters and testbenches
Don't use the package std_logic_signed.

Use numeric_std for new designs

Unsigned and Signed Types

  • Used to represent numeric values:
TYPE Value Notes
unsigned 0 to 2N - 1
signed - 2(N-1) to 2(N-1) - 1 2's Complement number
  • Usage similar to std_logic_vector:

  signal A_unsigned : unsigned(3 downto 0);
  signal B_signed : signed (3 downto 0);
  signal C_slv : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
    . . .
  A_unsigned <= "1111"; -- = 15 decimal
  B_signed <= "1111";   -- = -1 decimal
  C_slv <= "1111";      -- = 15 decimal only if using std_logic_unsigned 
  • Type definitions identical to std_logic_vector

  type UNSIGNED is array (natural range <>) of std_logic; 
  type SIGNED is array (natural range <>) of std_logic; 
  • How are the types distinguished from each other?
  • How do these generate unsigned and signed arithmetic?
  • For each operator, a unique function is called

  function "+" (L, R: signed) return signed; 
  function "+" (L, R: unsigned) return unsigned; 
  • This feature is called Operator Overloading:
    • An operator symbol or subprogram name can be used more than once as long as calls are differentiable.

Overloading Basics

  • Simplified view of overloading provided by VHDL packages
Operator Left Right Result
Logic TypeA TypeA TypeA
Array = unsigned, signed, std_logic_vector2
TypeA = boolean, std_logic, std_ulogic, bit_vector
std_logic_vector, std_ulogic_vector,
signed3, unsigned3
Array and TypeA types used in an expression must be the same.
1) for comparison operators the result is boolean
2) only for std_logic_unsigned.
3) only for numeric_std and not std_logic_arith
  • For a detailed view of VHDL's overloading, get the VHDL Types and Operators Quick Reference card at:

Overloading Examples

  Signal A_uv, B_uv, C_uv, D_uv, E_uv : unsigned(7 downto 0);
  Signal R_sv, S_sv, T_sv, U_sv, V_sv : signed(7 downto 0);
  Signal J_slv, K_slv, L_slv : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  signal Y_sv : signed(8 downto 0);

  -- Permitted
  A_uv <= B_uv + C_uv ; -- Unsigned + Unsigned = Unsigned
  D_uv <= B_uv + 1 ; -- Unsigned + Integer = Unsigned
  E_uv <= 1 + C_uv; -- Integer + Unsigned = Unsigned

  R_sv <= S_sv + T_sv ; -- Signed + Signed = Signed
  U_sv <= S_sv + 1 ; -- Signed + Integer = Signed
  V_sv <= 1 + T_sv; -- Integer + Signed = Signed

  J_slv <= K_slv + L_slv ; -- if using std_logic_unsigned

  -- Illegal Cannot mix different array types
  -- Solution presented later in type conversions
  -- Y_sv <= A_uv - B_uv ; -- want signed result 

Strong Typing Implications

  • Size and type of target (left) = size and type of expression (right)
  • Each operation returns a result that has a specific size based on rules of the operation. The table below summarizes these rules.

  Operation              Size of Y = Size of Expression 
  Y <= "10101010";       number of digits in literal 
  Y <= X"AA";            4 * (number of digits) 
  Y <= A;                A'Length = Length of array A 
  Y <= A and B;          A'Length = B'Length 
  W <= A > B;            Boolean 
  Y <= A + B;            Maximum (A'Length, B'Length) 
  Y <= A + 10;           A'Length 
  V <= A * B;            A'Length + B'Length 
Some think VHDL is difficult because of strong typing
Master the above simple rules and it is easy

Strong Typing Implications

  signal A8, B8, Result8 : unsigned(7 downto 0);
  signal Result9         : unsigned(8 downto 0);
  signal Result7         : unsigned(6 downto 0);

  -- Simple Addition, no carry out
  Result8 <= A8 + B8;

  -- Carry Out in result
  Result9 <= ('0' & A8) + ('0' & B8);

  -- For smaller result, slice input arrays
  Result7 <= A8(6 downto 0) + B8(6 downto 0); 
Strong Typing = Strong Error Checking Built into the Compiler
This means less debugging.
Without VHDL, you better have a good testbench and lots of time to catch your errors.

Type Conversions

  • VHDL is dependent on overloaded operators and conversions
  • What conversion functions are needed?
    • Signed & Unsigned (elements) <=> Std_Logic
    • Signed & Unsigned <=> Std_Logic_Vector
    • Signed & Unsigned <=> Integer
    • Std_Logic_vector <=> Integer
  • VHDL Built-In Conversions
    • Automatic Type Conversion
    • Conversion by Type Casting
  • Conversion functions located in Numeric_Std

Automatic Type Conversion: Unsigned, Signed <=> Std_Logic

  • Two types convert automatically when both are subtypes of the same type
  •  subtype std_logic is resolved std_ulogic; 
    • Converting between std_ulogic and std_logic is automatic
  • Elements of Signed, Unsigned, and std_logic_vector = std_logic
    • Elements of these types convert automatically to std_ulogic or std_logic
     A_sl <= J_uv(0);
     B_sul <= K_sv(7);
     L_uv(0) <= C_sl;
     M_slv(2) <= N_sv(2); 

     Y_sl <= A_sl and B_sul and 
             J_uv(2) and K_sv(7) and M_slv(2); 

Type Casting: Unsigned, Signed <=> Std_Logic_Vector

  • Use type casting to convert equal sized arrays when:
    • Elements have a common base type (i.e. std_logic)
    • Indices have a common base type (i.e. Integer)
  • Unsigned, Signed <=> Std_Logic_Vector
  •  A_slv <= std_logic_vector( B_uv ); 
     C_slv <= std_logic_vector( D_sv ); 
     G_uv <= unsigned( H_slv ); 
     J_sv <= signed( K_slv ); 
  • Motivation, Unsigned - Unsigned = Signed?
  •  signal X_uv, Y_uv : unsigned (6 downto 0);
     signal Z_sv : signed (7 downto 0);
     . . . 
     Z_sv <= signed('0' & X_uv) -signed('0' & Y_uv); 

Numeric_Std Conversions: Unsigned, Signed <=> Integer

  • Converting to and from integer requires a conversion function.
    • Unsigned, Signed => Integer
    •  Unsigned_int <= TO_INTEGER ( A_uv );
       Signed_int <= TO_INTEGER ( B_sv ); 
    • Integer => Unsigned, Signed
    •  C_uv <= TO_UNSIGNED ( Unsigned_int, 8 );
       D_sv <= TO_SIGNED ( Signed_int, 8 ); 
      width = 8
    • Motivation (indexing an array of an array):
    •  Data_slv <= ROM( TO_INTEGER( Addr_uv) ); 
 signal A_uv, C_uv : unsigned (7 downto 0);
 signal Unsigned_int : integer range 0 to 255 ; 
 signal B_sv, D_sv : signed( 7 downto 0) ; 
 signal Signed_int : integer range -128 to 127; 

Std_Logic_Arith Conversions: Unsigned, Signed <=> Integer

  • Converting to and from integer requires a conversion function.
    • Unsigned, Signed => Integer
    •  Unsigned_int <= Conv_INTEGER ( A_uv );
       Signed_int <= Conv_INTEGER ( B_sv ); 
    • Integer => Unsigned, Signed
    •  C_uv <= Conv_UNSIGNED ( Unsigned_int, 8 );
       D_sv <= Conv_SIGNED ( Signed_int, 8 );
                                               Array width = 8
    • Motivation (indexing an array of an array):
    • Data_slv <= ROM( Conv_INTEGER( Addr_uv) );
 signal A_uv, C_uv : unsigned (7 downto 0);
 signal Unsigned_int : integer range 0 to 255;
 signal B_sv, D_sv : signed( 7 downto 0);
 signal Signed_int : integer range -128 to 127;

Std_Logic_Vector <=> Integer

Converting between std_logic_vector and integer is a two step process: Unsigned_int <= to_integer( unsigned( A_slv )); Signed_int <= to_integer( signed( B_slv )); .Numeric_Std: Std_Logic_Vector => Integer . Numeric_Std: Integer => Std_Logic_Vector C_slv <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( Unsigned_int, 8 )); D_slv <= std_logic_vector( to_signed( Signed_int, 8 )); signal A_slv, C_slv : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) ; signal Unsigned_int : integer range 0 to 255 ; signal B_slv, D_slv : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0) ; signal Signed_int : integer range -128 to 127;

Ambiguous Expressions

. An expression / statement is ambiguous if more than one operator symbol or subprogram can match its arguments. . Std_Logic_Arith defines the following two functions: function "+" (L, R: SIGNED) return SIGNED; function "+" (L: SIGNED; R: UNSIGNED) return SIGNED; . The following expression is ambiguous and an error: Z_sv <= A_sv + "1010" ; Is "1010" Signed or Unsigned "1010" = -6 or 10 . Issues typically only arise when using literals. . How do we solve this problem?

Std_Logic_Arith: Ambiguous Expressions

. VHDL type qualifier (type_name') is a mechanism that specifies the type of an operand or return value of a subprogram (or operator). Z_sv <= A_sv + signed'("1010") ; -- Z_sv <= A_sv + signed("1010") ; .Leaving out the ' is an error: Effects all numeric operators in std_logic_arith . Without ', it is type casting. Use type casting for: Z_sv <= A_sv + signed(B_slv) ; . Recommended solution, use integer: Z_sv <= A_sv - 6 ;

Addition Operators

Addition Operators: + - . Arrays with Arrays: Add_uv <= A_uv + B_uv ; Sub_uv <= C_uv - D_uv ;
  • Size of result =
  • Size of largest array operand
  • Size of Add = maximum(A, B)
  • Shorter array gets extended. . Arrays with Integers: Inc_uv <= Base_uv + 1 ; Y_uv <= A_uv + 45 ;
  • Caution: Integers must fit into an array the same size as the result.
  • Extra MSB digits are lost
  • A must be at least 6 bits By convention the left most bit is the MSB

    Use Integers with Care

    . Synthesis tools create a 32-bit wide resources for unconstrained integers signal Y_int, A_int, B_int : integer ; . . . Y_int <= A_int + B_int ; . Do not use unconstrained integers for synthesis . Specify a range with integers: signal A_int, B_int: integer range -8 to 7; signal Y_int : integer range -16 to 15 ; . . . Y_int <= A_int + B_int ; . Recommendation: Use integers only as constants or literals Y_uv <= A_uv + 17 ;

    Comparison Operators

    Comparison Operators: = /= > >= < <= . Comparison operators return type boolean . Std_Logic is our basic type for design. . How do we convert from boolean to std_logic? . AGeB <= '1' when (A_uv >= B_uv) else '0'; AEq15 <= '1' when (A_uv = "1111" ) else '0'; Arrays with Arrays: . Arrays with Integers (special part of arithmetic packages): DEq15 <= '1' when (D_uv = 15 ) else '0'; Input arrays are extended to be the same lengthResult = Boolean

    Multiplication and Division

    Multiplication Operators: * / mod rem . Array Multiplication signal A_uv, B_uv : unsigned( 7 downto 0) ; signal Z_uv : unsigned(15 downto 0) ; . . . Z_uv <= A_uv * B_uv;
  • Size of result =
  • Sum of the two input arrays . Array with Integer (only numeric_std) Z_uv <= A_uv * 2 ; Note: "/ mod rem" not well supported by synthesis tools.
  • Size of result =
  • 2 * size of array input

    Adder with Carry Out SynthWorks

    Unsigned Algorithm: Unsigned Code: ------------------- '0', A(3:0) + '0', B(3:0) ------------------- CarryOut, Result(3:0) Y5 <= ('0' & A) + ('0' & B); Y <= Y5(3 downto 0) ; Co <= Y5(4) ; signal A, B, Y : unsigned(3 downto 0); signal Y5 : unsigned(4 downto 0) ; signal Co : std_logic ;

    Adder with Carry In

    signal A, B, Y : unsigned(3 downto 0); signal Y5 : unsigned(4 downto 0) ; signal CarryIn : std_logic ; Desired Result: Algorithm A(3:0) + B(3:0) + CarryIn ------------------- A(3:0), '1' + B(3:0), CarryIn ------------------- Result(4:1), Unused Example: Carry = 0 Carry = 1 -------- 0010, 1 0001, 0 -------- 0011, 1 -------- 0010, 1 0001, 1 -------- 0100, 0 Result Code: Y5 <= (A & '1') + (B & CarryIn); Y <= Y5(4 downto 1) ;

    ALU Functions

    . ALU1: . Three implementations OpSel Function 00 A + B 01 C + D 10 E + F 11 G + H . Tool Driven Resource Sharing . Code Driven Resource Sharing . Defeating Resource Sharing . Since OpSel can select only one addition at a time, the operators are mutually exclusive.

    Possible Solutions to ALU 1

    As Specified: Optimal results: A A CB E G D Z OpSel i0 i1 o sel i2 i3 i0 i1 o sel i2 i3 Z E F B D G F OpSel H H OpSel . This transformation of operators is called Resource Sharing i0 i1 O sel i2 i3

    ALU 1: Tool Driven

    ToolDrvnProc : process (OpSel,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) begin case OpSel is when "00" => Z <= A + B ; when "01" => Z <= C + D ; when "10" => Z <= E + F ; when "11" => Z <= G + H ; when others => Z <= (others => 'X') ; end case ; end process ; -- ToolDrvnProc . Important: to ensure resource sharing, operators must be coded in the same process, and same code (case or if) structure. . Any potential issues with this?

    ALU 1: Code Driven

    X <= Mux4(OpSel, A, C, E, G) ; Y <= Mux4(OpSel, B, D, F, H) ; Z <= X + Y ; . Best Synthesis, use for: . Sharing arithmetic operators . Sharing comparison operators . Sharing complex function calls . Resource sharing often is not possible when using third party arithmetic logic. Lewis Copyright © 2003 SynthWorks Design Inc. All Rights Reserved. MAPLD 2003 P29 SynthWorks

    ALU 1: Defeating Resource Sharing *

    . Bad Code will defeat Resource Sharing. BadAluProc: process (OpSel, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) begin if (OpSel = "00") then Z <= A + B; end if; if (OpSel = "01") then Z <= C + D; end if; if (OpSel = "10") then Z <= E + F; end if; if (OpSel = "11") then Z <= G + H; end if; end process ; Uses "end if", rather than "elsif" . * Not Recommended, synthesis tool may create a separate resource for each adder.

    Defeating Resource Sharing

    . When does this happen? case StateReg is when S1 => if (in1 = '1') then Z <= A + B ; . . . end if ; when S2 => if (in2 = '1') then Z <= C + D ; . . . end if ; . . . when Sn => . . . when others => . Separate statemachines and resources Statemach : process(...) begin -- generate function -- select logic (OpSel) end process ; Resources : process(...) begin -- code: -- arithmetic operators -- comparison operators end process ;